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Facebook passes 665 million daily users  and 1.11 billion monthly active users and 751 million mobile users.
Here’s the breakdown from the release: .....

  • Daily alive users (DAUs) were 665 actor on boilerplate for March 2013, an access of 26 percent year-over-year.
    Account alive users (MAUs) were 1.11 billion as of March 31, 2013, an access of 23 percent year-over-year.
    Adaptable MAUs were 751 actor as of March 31, 2013, an access of 54 percent year-over-year.
    Out of all these numbers, the best important one is of advance mobile: Facebook needs to accumulate growing the cardinal of its users signing in on phones and tablets to break relevant. In fact, it’s account acquainted that 67.66 percent of Facebook’s absolute user abject now accesses the account from a adaptable device.
    To put things into perspective, that cardinal has been boring growing from the 40 percent mark in 2011 through and accomplished the 50 percent mark in 2012. Either this division or next, it will acceptable end up casual the 70 percent mark.
    In Q3 2012, Facebook appear it had anesthetized 1 billion account alive users and 600 actor account alive adaptable users. Last quarter, Facebook anesthetized 1.06 billion account alive users, 680 actor adaptable users, and 618 actor circadian users.
    While the year-over-year advance numbers are above, it’s additionally absorbing to see Facebook’s advance from division to quarter. Between Q4 2012 and Q1 2013, the aggregation was up 4.72 percent in absolute account users, 10.44 percent in adaptable users, and 7.61 percent in circadian users.
    Now let’s see what that looks in the anatomy of some graphs. Here is Facebook’s advance for absolute alive users

here are daily active users: about 665 m daily users

Here is Facebook’s growth for monthly mobile active users:about 752 million mobile users  

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