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ReVolt is another mashup of ParanoidAndroid and CyanogenMod features for your Galaxy S4, which has proven itself many times over. Based on "AOKP source with cherrypicks from CM," ReVolt offers Apex, Nova and Trebuchet launchers built-in, DPI scaling, the MultiUser option and many more.
How to Install
If coming from a Stock ROM:
  1. Root your device
  2. Wipe Data
  3. Wipe Cache
  4. Wipe Dalvik-Cache
  5. Flash ROM
  6. Wipe Cache / Dalvik-Cache
  7. Enjoy ReVolt ROM .
If Coming from another Custom ROM:

  1. Wipe Data
  2. Wipe Cache
  3. Wipe Dalvik-Cache
  4. Flash ROM
  5. Wipe Cache / Dalvik-Cache
  6. Enjoy ReVolt ROM.
If Upgrading from an older ReVolt Build:
  1. Wipe Cache.
  2. Wipe Dalvik-Cache.
  3. Flash ROM.
  4. Wipe Cache / Dalvik-Cache.
  5. Flash GApps.
  6. Enjoy ReVolt ROM.
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